The UAE has taken a bold step toward encouraging fair competition and enhancing regulatory enforcement by implementing Federal Decree-Law No. 36 of 2023, which ...
In today’s business landscape, people are the asset. If you have the right ones, you win, and if you have the wrong ones, you lose. And if the right ones ...
As a legal professional with over a decade of experience in succession planning, I've had the privilege of drafting more than 100 wills for clients across the U...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a thriving hub for company formation, investment opportunities, and banking solutions, attracting entrepreneurs and investors ...
This article presents an in-depth examination of the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in Egypt, emphas...
In a significant move by Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) pursuant to UAE Cabinet Resolution No.41 of 2023, by expanding its jurisdiction from Al Maryah Island to...
The growth of digital assets has fundamentally transformed the landscape of wealth management. As the value of cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and...
Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to carry out tasks like intelligent individuals. Arbitration, like many fields of work, has bee...
1. Introduction
India's and Dubai’s developing legal systems and vibrant economies have made arbitration an essential tool for resolving disputes. Arbitr...
Non-residents of Canada who earn income from Canadian sources must navigate not only the Income Tax Act (ITA) but also consider the potential impact of tax trea...
Having children isn’t always a happy incident for some women or families, this fact emanates from many reasons; some families don’t like to have chi...
Definition of Arbitration and AI:
Arbitration is a method of dispute resolution where the parties agree to submit their conflicts to one or more arbitrators wh...
With the development of electronic communication and data storage, the litigation landscape has enormously changed in today’s digital age. The e...
The UAE’s new bankruptcy laws, Federal Decree-legislation No. 51/2023, took effect on May 1, 2024, drastically altering how financially distressed compani...
The importance of law in our daily lives cannot be overstated. It plays the most important role in shaping our social life, what surrounds us, and our well-bein...
On May 1, 2024, the legal world witnessed the culmination of a long-planned endeavour: the merger of Allen & Overy (A&O) and Shearman & Sterling, cr...
The legal profession, historically a stronghold of tradition and paper trails, is undergoing a digital transformation. Technology is no longer a peripheral play...
Family run businesses are a significant part of UAE’s economic landscape. However, such businesses face a number of unique challenges such as lack of stru...
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries and redefining the boundaries of innovation, the question of how to protect inte...
Arbitration is a well-established method of resolving disputes outside the traditional courtroom. Arbitration involves an impartial third party, known as an arb...
Construction projects are often complicated and involve high stakes. There are certain issues that are peculiar to construction projects. In this article, we wi...
The woman makes up half of the society, in fact she is half of the world and the raiser of the other half. With this prominent role in family and society alike,...
International arbitration enshrines party autonomy as an essential basis of the dispute resolution process. The agreement to arbitrate, the ...
Understanding the basics of the commercial tenancy contracts in the Emirate of Dubai will require us to understand the Legal Framework that governs commercial t...
When a construction dispute is not resolved, employers and contractors are in general cautious to proceed with litigation for many reasons, where then they will...
1 - Introduction
When a motor vehicle is available for the use of an employee, manager, or shareholder beyond working hours, it is considered as partially used...
In the United Arab Emirates, Muslim marriage is governed by the Federal Law No. 28/2005 on Personal Status (hereinafter referred as Personal Status Law or PSL)....
VAT is a transaction tax for businesses. Businesses pay VAT on purchases and charge it on sales, with a net balance payable or refundable.
Corporate groups, regardless of their size, encompass diverse entities each serving a distinct purpose within the group structure. Typically, there is...
With the application of excise tax and VAT in the UAE and Federal Decree-Law No. 47/2022 On the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses and since Oc...
Let's remind everyone of the crucial concept of 'Know Your Client' (KYC) procedures in business transactions. This practice is not just a formality; i...
In the UAE, tourist tax regimes are different across the country. Not all of the Emirates apply such a tax.
With the introduction of these taxes, h...
In today's increasingly digital world, the need for efficient and streamlined legal processes has become paramount. Recognizing this need, the United Arab Emira...
The UAE's introduction of a 5% VAT in 2018 marked a pivotal moment in its economic history. It signaled a shift away from oil-dependent revenue and pr...
Effective from 1 January 2018, the United Arab Emirates has implemented a general tax on consumption in line with the Common VAT Agreement of the ...
Trusts have been an essential tool for individuals and businesses looking to protect and manage their assets and wealth. They provide a means to s...
The guidelines provide an overview of the foundation regime in ADGM governed mainly by the ADGM Foundations Regulations 2017 (Foundations Regulations)...
In order for The Property Mortgage to cover a property value, the debtor must provide a security for the repayment of the mortgage to the creditor.
Deciding where to establish a company is a major decision that depends on the planned business activities, required infrastructure, and the costs of...
In a world increasingly dominated by the fast-paced allure of instant gratification, the concept of organic growth in the professional world, stands as a testam...
Addressing the Ministry of Economy's Stance on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Legislation
The United Arab Emirates (UAE), over the years...
A foundation is an independent legal entity created by law. It draws its features from both a company and trust. Similar to a company, a foundation ...
At the end of 2017, the European Union reacted to the reality that many foreign companies were very successful in Europe making billions of profit...
FTA - Federal Tax Authority
CT - Corporate Tax
CTL - Federal Decree-Law 47 of 2022 – the Corporate Tax Law
CTG - Corporation Tax Guide published by FTA...
Mental Health In The Workplace Matters-Breaking the Silence in Law Firms in the Middle East
In the fast-paced world of law firms, where the billable hour reign...
In the UAE, tourist tax regimes are different across the country. Not all of the Emirates apply such a tax.
With the introduction of these taxes, h...
On 27 November 2016, all Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) agreed to sign the Common VAT Agreement of the States of the Gulf Coope...