
Raluca Gatina

Digital Assets Will

The growth of digital assets has fundamentally transformed the landscape of wealth management. As the value of cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and...
18 Oct, 2024
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Mohamed Hassanein

Abortion in Egyptian law

Having children isn’t always a happy incident for some women or families, this fact emanates from many reasons; some families don’t like to have chi...
09 Sep, 2024
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Ines Pinel Lorenzo

La Independencia Financiera De Las Mujeres Casadas En Emiratos Árabes Unidos: El Contrato Matrimonial Y La Ley De Estatus Personal

En Emiratos árabes Unidos, el matrimonio musulmán esta regulado por la Ley Federal No. 28/2005 de Estatus Personal (en adelante Ley del Estatus Pe...
29 Dec, 2023
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Ines Pinel Lorenzo

Financial Rights of Married Women in the UAE: Navigating the Marriage Contract and Personal Status Law

In the United Arab Emirates, Muslim marriage is governed by the Federal Law No. 28/2005 on Personal Status (hereinafter referred as Personal Status Law or PSL)....
29 Dec, 2023
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Raluca Gatina

Choosing Calm Over Chaos: The Rise of Divorce Settlements

“Our value in life is defined by what we do. Achievement is similar to love, they both grow by sacrifice and both are essential for life” Sheikh Mo...
22 Jun, 2023
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Veronika Chastukhina

Как вступить в брак в ОАЭ (для экспатов и туристов)

В 21 веке стало тенденцией путешествовать по миру, посещать другие страны, познавать неи...
25 Oct, 2022
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Veronika Chastukhina

How to get married in UAE for Expats and Tourists

Living in the 21st century (the Anno Domini era) it became a trend to travel abroad, visit different countries, explore the unknown, experience new flavors...
17 Oct, 2022
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Camilla Forest

Everything you need to know about maternity leave in UAE

Working mothers need to get a break from professional activities to welcome a new child in the family. The period of maternity leave is guaranteed by the UAE La...
19 Jul, 2020
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Patricia Antoci

Are you in a relationship? A legal one?

As per the UAE’s regulations, the only legal bond for a man and a woman to establish a relationship and form a family is marriage. Cohabitation for unmarr...
11 May, 2020
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Patricia Antoci

The Dowry according to the UAE Personal Status Law

The meaning of the word “Dowry”, from the English version of the Personal Status Law, somehow does not sum up the real and full meaning of it, which...
10 May, 2020
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Ahmed Elnaggar

The Divorce

Even though marriages are meant to be forever, people do turnaround from oaths taken, or life happens, and divorce comes in the picture. The following are answe...
03 May, 2020
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Dr. Hassan Elhais

Prenuptial agreements in UAE

Marriage is considered as a sacred event, the expression of love, bliss and joy until it comes to an end abruptly through a divorce, leaving behind bitterness o...
07 Jan, 2020
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Brett Westernoff

Expat guide to giving birth in the UAE

Having a child is a huge step for married couples as they begin to prepare for parenthood. This transition can seem more like a jump for couples who are having ...
24 Sep, 2019
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Ahmed Elnaggar

Women’s rights in Marriage and Divorce based on Sharia Regulations and the UAE Personal Status Law: Part III

In compliance with UAE regulations, under no circumstances a husband can claim spousal maintenance from his wife, even though if the case is that he is the one ...
20 Dec, 2018
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Ahmed Elnaggar

Women’s rights in Marriage and Divorce based on Sharia Regulations and the UAE Personal Status Law: Part II

Taking into account the fact that over 9 million expats decided to move to the UAE and make their base and second home one of the seven Emirates of the UAE, lot...
30 Oct, 2018
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Ahmed Elnaggar

Women’s rights in Marriage and Divorce based on Sharia Regulations and the UAE Personal Status Law: Part I

  "Islam affords women their rightful status, and encourages them to work in all sectors, as long as they are afforded appropriate respect."   ...
20 Sep, 2018
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