Mohamed Hassanein

Fire is a Result of Tiny Sparks: Egyptian Investors in the UAE and Their Tax Obligations

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a thriving hub for company formation, investment opportunities, and banking solutions, attracting entrepreneurs and investors ...
27 Dec, 2024
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Shireen Kapoor

UAE - Canada Double Tax Treaties

Non-residents of Canada who earn income from Canadian sources must navigate not only the Income Tax Act (ITA) but also consider the potential impact of tax trea...
10 Sep, 2024
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Stefano Menotti

Tax Treatment of Motor Vehicles Expenditures in UAE

1 - Introduction When a motor vehicle is available for the use of an employee, manager, or shareholder beyond working hours, it is considered as partially used...
05 Jan, 2024
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Elleonor Grace E. Apostol Daisy Cureg

VAT and Employee Benefits

Overview VAT is a transaction tax for businesses. Businesses pay VAT on purchases and charge it on sales, with a net balance payable or refundable. Cha...
25 Dec, 2023
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Daisy Cureg Elleonor Grace E. Apostol

VAT for Holding Companies and Corporate Groups

Overview Corporate groups, regardless of their size, encompass diverse entities each serving a distinct purpose within the group structure. Typically, there is...
25 Dec, 2023
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Ahmed Gabr

Tax Disputes and Litigation

Overview With the application of excise tax and VAT in the UAE and Federal Decree-Law No. 47/2022 On the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses and since Oc...
22 Dec, 2023
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Elleonor Grace E. Apostol

Tourist Taxes in the UAE: What Travelers Need to Know

Overview In the UAE, tourist tax regimes are different across the country. Not all of the Emirates apply such a tax. With the introduction of these taxes, h...
16 Dec, 2023
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Elleonor Grace E. Apostol Daisy Cureg

VAT and Commercial Services

Overview The UAE's introduction of a 5% VAT in 2018 marked a pivotal moment in its economic history. It signaled a shift away from oil-dependent revenue and pr...
24 Nov, 2023
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Elleonor Grace E. Apostol

VAT and Imports and Exports

Overview Effective from 1 January 2018, the United Arab Emirates has implemented a general tax on consumption in line with the Common VAT Agreement of the ...
24 Nov, 2023
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Stefano Menotti

UAE Corporate Tax - Tax Treatment of Family Foundations Established in the UAE

FTA - Federal Tax Authority CT - Corporate Tax CTL - Federal Decree-Law 47 of 2022 – the Corporate Tax Law CTG - Corporation Tax Guide published by FTA...
06 Oct, 2023
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Elleonor Grace E. Apostol

Tourist Taxes in the UAE: What Travelers Need to Know

Overview In the UAE, tourist tax regimes are different across the country. Not all of the Emirates apply such a tax. With the introduction of these taxes, h...
20 Sep, 2023
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Daisy Cureg

VAT obligations and Directors’ Liability

Overview On 27 November 2016, all Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) agreed to sign the Common VAT Agreement of the States of the Gulf Coope...
05 Sep, 2023
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Stefano Menotti

UAE Corporation Tax Free Zone Companies: Who can enjoy the Zero Tax Regime?

Disclaimer: The official sources of information on Federal Taxes in the UAE are the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority. The present article is n...
23 Jun, 2023
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